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Cities Network

Cities Network

Our Cities Network facilitates an open and trusting dialogue between experts at the municipal level on the future of urban mobility and the challenges facing the transport sector.

This dialogue raises awareness for the importance of cities in the transformation of urban mobility. Participants are given an opportunity to share experience, discuss obstacles and identify solutions. Ultimately, the Cities Network is about promoting climate action while also addressing related concerns, such as human health, environmental protection, social inclusion and quality of life – so that we can foster liveable cities in which everyone has access to mobility. Cities can take local action to help shape positive transformation. The success of the transition will depend on numerous factors, including the availability of viable solutions, legal freedom of action, solid sources of financing, qualified local government employees, and a vibrant civil society.

The Cities Network considers all of these factors while promoting initiatives in which members can engage in productive collaboration. Agora Verkehrswende harnesses this exchange of views between experts to identify new topics for research and present possible solutions for discussion. The experts provide valuable input for calibrating Agora Verkehrswende’s work. The members of the network are selected by Agora Verkehrswende and come from local government, associations, businesses, academia, consultancies and NGOs.

Founded in 2017, the Cities Network meets several times a year. The meetings are not open to the public. The network is purely an advisory body, with no decision-making authority or responsibility for the work of Agora Verkehrswende.

Example topics

  • Road traffic laws
  • Parking management
  • Impact of COVID pandemic
  • Cycling infrastructure
  • Public space
  • New mobility services
  • Urban freight transport
  • Low emission zones
  • Public transport
  • Commuter traffic
  • Electric vehicles and municipal charging infrastructure


Please find a list of the members of the Cities Network on our German website.
