- Programme pdf 983 KB DE.CA.rbonize Transportation
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DE.CA.rbonize Transportation
Christian Hochfeld, Executive Director, Agora Verkehrswende
Slide Deck
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Heading Toward Zero: California's Transportation Sector
Daniel Sperling, Distinguished Blue Planet Professor and Founding Director Institute of Transportation Studies UC Davis
Slide Deck
pdf 6 MB
GPS, Wireless Tech & Internet make Carsharing possible
Robin Chase
Slide Deck
pdf 562 KB
Winning Hearts and Minds - Accelerating the Transition to Zero Emission Vehicles
Vice Chair Sandra Berg, California Air Resources Board
Slide Deck
pdf 2 MB
Breaking Down the Silos: Coupling Energy and Transportation
Janea A. Scott, California Energy Commission
This content is also available in: German
DE.CA.rbonize Transportation
The German–Californian Conference for Zero Emission Transportation
About this event
California is at the vanguard of the revolution in transportation, thanks to stringent environmental regulations, high electric vehicle adoption rates, and an innovative tech community that is enabling new mobility services while seeking to make autonomous vehicles a reality.
And while the US has announced it will withdraw from the Paris agreement, California has resolved to keep the goals of the accord intact and achieve a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. During a moment of dwindling national ambition, California has thus stepped forward as a vigorous proponent of environmental protection – and not just in the United States, but internationally as well. Yet minimizing the harmful effects of climate change will depend crucially on the transformation of the transport sector. This is particularly true in California, where transportation is responsible for nearly 40% of emissions.
California and Germany are united by a commitment to slashing GHG emissions and upholding the goals of the Paris agreement. This task poses monumental challenges for actors in the realms of politics, business, and civil society on both sides of the Atlantic. Against this backdrop, “DE.CA.rbonize Transportation – The German–Californian Conference for Zero Emission Transportation” aims to foster cooperative ties between California and Germany and to enable the joint development of a robust strategy for the complete decarbonization of transportation by 2050.
The two-day conference, organized by the Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS) at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) in cooperation with Agora Verkehrswende, took place in Berlin on January 30–31, 2018.
The corresponding slides may be found in the download section below.
Event details
DE.CA.rbonize Transportation
ESMT Berlin
Schlossplatz 1
10178 Berlin
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