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Agora Verkehrswende Website Relaunch
The new website makes it easier to access the diverse content provided by the think tank Agora Verkehrswende surrounding the transformation of the transport sector.
The new design is based on the visual identity shared by all Agora organisations and features a number of technical and organisational improvements:
- The navigation of the website has been enhanced, making it easier to find desired content. Important content categories, including News, Publications and Events, are prominently showcased alongside our topic areas, making them easier to access. Our blog posts can be found under the menu item Publications. Projects are no longer listed as a separate category, but rather under News. Our 12 Insights are now the first item under Publications.
- Our Topics section has been revised and restructured to encompass twelve topic areas, including climate-neutrality in transport, social justice, the transformation of the automotive industry, mobility in urban and rural areas, freight transport, financing and infrastructure. Each topic area provides targeted access to relevant content.
- The newly added International section provides condensed information regarding issues in global transportation. Under Countries and Regions, Agora Verkehrswende has compiled key climate and transport figures for the G20 states and in some cases beyond.
- The website has been optimised for mobile viewing and allows easy switching between German and English. The search function has also been enhanced to facilitate targeted searches.