- Authors
- Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Agora Verkehrswende
- Publication number
- 11/2022
- Publication date
30 November 2022
- Pages
- 16
- Suggested Citation
- 2022 by Boston Consulting Group.
This content is also available in: German
The Combustion Engine Business Model in the Age of Electromobility
Study by Agora Verkehrswende and BCG
For this study, a comprehensive market model was used to examine which global market shares and profits manufacturers can secure with different electrification strategies. The study was based on three scenarios for the ramp-up of electromobility: a basic scenario according to the manufacturers' forecasts and one scenario each for a slower and an accelerated development.
Six different types of manufacturers served as case studies: from European premium manufacturers to volume manufacturers from Europe, the USA and Asia (with or without a focus on electromobility) to traditional Chinese manufacturers. Data on profit increases and losses in the study refer to the discounted cumulative profit until 2040; compared to a scenario in which the ramp-up of electromobility develops as currently forecast and the manufacturer is neither a pioneer nor a laggard in electromobility.
Boston Consulting Group (BCG) was commissioned by Agora Verkehrswende to work on the study.
Bibliographical data
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The Combustion Engine Business Model in the Age of Electromobility
Study by Agora Verkehrswende and BCG