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17 December 2021

Charge, Set, Go!

Electrifying Urban Transport in Germany and Poland


Decarbonizing road transport, mainly through the electrification of the urban vehicle fleet including individual and public transport, is already part of the national and local strategies to reduce air pollution and mitigate climate change. Yet urban mobility cannot be reshaped without continuous collaboration and exchange on best practices, good solutions and feasible approaches across borders, especially within the European Union.

Therefore, this study investigates the status quo of policies, influencing and framing the electrification of urban mobility and provides recommendations for municipalities in Poland and Germany on how to effectively support the electrification of urban mobility. It thus supports the discussions of the Polish-German Platform on Electromobility, where both countries jointly work toward their shared ambition of Driving the necessary Change together.

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Bibliographical data

Dr. Sandra Wappelhorst, Kyle Morrison
Publication number
Version number
Publication date

17 December 2021

Suggested Citation
Agora Verkehrswende (2021): Charge, Set, Go! Electrifying Urban Transport in Germany and Poland.


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Project lead